What is JavaScript
- General overview of JavaScript
- What is Javascript,
- JavaScript history,
- Relation between JavaScript and ECMAScript,
- Versions of JavaScript.
JavaScript Core
- Syntax, Variables, Values, Data Types
- Syntax review,
- Keywords and reserwed words,
- Variable declaration,
- Variable scope,
- Block scope.
- Data Types
- Primitive values,
- Reference values,
- Types,
- Type convertion.
- Expressions and Operators
- Expressions (arithmetic, relational, logical, assigment and others),
- Operators overview.
- Control structures
- Flow control and conditionals,
- Loops and iteration.
- Jumps
- Error handling
- Throwing errors,
- Error handling.
- Numbers
- Number literals,
- Number object,
- Number methods,
- Math object
- Date object
- Working with Numbers.
- Strings
- String literals,
- String object,
- String methods,
- Working with Strings.
- Arrays
- Creating and populating Arrays,
- Array methods,
- Working with Arrays.
- Functions
- Defining functions,
- Calling functions,
- Functions as values,
- Arguments and parameters,
- Function scope,
- Closures,
- Arrow functions.
- Indexed Collections
- Set object type
- Map object type
- Iterators and generators
- Working with Iterators
- Working with Generators
- Modules
- Promises
- Regular Expressions
- Creating regular expressions,
- RegExp object and its methods,
- String methods for matching patterns.
- Objects
- Creating object,
- Properties,
- Methods,
- Build-in JavaScript objects.
- Prototype based Object Oriented Programming
- Defining Constructors,
- Prototypes,
- Inheritance,
- Classes
- Metaprogramming
- Proxy,
- Reflection
Server-side JavaScript
- General overview of server-side JavaScript
- JavaScript engines,
- Basics of server-side solutions.
JavaScript in Browser
- JavaScript in Web browser
- Embedding JavaScript in HTML,
- Execution of JavaScript code.
- Browser Object Model
- The window object,
- Dialog boxes,
- Timers,
- The location object,
- The navigator object,
- Browsing history.
- Document Object Model,
- Document structure,
- Selecting document elements and query selectors,
- Moving thorough DOM tree,
- HTML elements and attributes,
- Creating, changing and deleting nodes.
- Handling Events,
- Event propagation,
- Event handlers registering and invocation,
- Event object,
- Types of event.
- Ajax
- JavaScript and HTTP comunication,
- Synchronous and asynchronous requests.
- Graphics
- Multimedia basics,
- Canvas API basics.
- Data Storage
- Cookies,
- Web Storage,
- IndexedDB.
- Security
- Filesystem security,
- The Same Origin Policy
- Plugins
- Cross-Site Scripting