Symbols are new primitive type added in ECMAScript 2015. Symbols do not have a literal syntax, they have a Symbol() function that can be used to create them.
Symbol() function is rather a factory, it is not a constructor. The function takes one optional argument description.
var symbol = new Symbol('symbol'); // TypeError: Symbol is not a constructor // correct way: var symbol = Symbol('mySymbol'); console.log(symbol); // Symbol(mySymbol)
Symbols are unique. Each new symbol has new, unique value.
If you create new symbols:
var mySymbol = Symbol(); var mySymbol2 = Symbol();
JavaScript engine creates a completely new values for them.
It means that:
Symbol() === Symbol() // false
The use of Symbols
Symbols may be used as unique property keys. They prevent name clashes.
var p1 = Symbol('p'); var p2 = Symbol('p'); var p3 = Symbol('p'); var object = { [p1]: 1, [p2]: 2, }; object[p3] = 3;
They may be used as constants representing concepts:
const CATEGORY_PHONES = Symbol('phones'); const CATEGORY_LAPTOPS = Symbol('laptops'); const CATEGORY_TV = Symbol('tv'); const CATEGORY_CONSOLES = Symbol('consoles');